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Main Tourist Attractions In Cologne, Germany

Cologne city, Germany offers many fascinating tourist attractions. Cologne is the capital of the state of North-Rhine Westphalia or Nordhein Westfallen, Germany. The city is known for its cathedral with blackish twin towers 157 meters high. Besides being famous as the city of churches and museums, Cologne is a paradise for hikers. Downtown, and Cologne attractions, mostly located in around of the cathedral popularly called Dom of Cologne. All can be reached by foot.

Cologne, The city passed the Rhine River including the old town in Germany. As old as human civilization and recorded since the Roman Empire.In Cologne, just admire old church relics and museum that has to do with the history of the greatness of the German nation. Including sites of the Roman Empire. The city is also called the town carnival. Carnival held almost every month every year in the Plaza Dom, which is extensive.

Here are the main tourist attractions In Cologne:

1. Cologne Cathedral

Cologne Cathedral is one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. According to a note on the Color Guide Rhine, the cathedral was built starting in 1248 and completed in 1880. The building has a gold crown relief called Magi with towering altar. Furthermore, the building was named the "House of the King" by Stephan Lochner. The tower is 157 meters high with 500 stairs. From the roof of the tower that will look beautiful panorama of Mount Siebengebirge. Cologne Cathedral is one of the most important German architecture. When visiting this catherdal, you will be amazed by the architecture of the building.

2. 12 Romanesque Churches

Cologne is home to twelve historic Romanesque churches that are adorned with countless sculptures, and paintings. They are St. Kunibert (with wonderful stained glass windows), St. Severin, St. Maria Lyskirchen, St. Andreas, St. Aposteln, St. Gereon, St. Ursula, St. Pantaleon, St. Maria im Kapitol, Groß-St. Martin, St. Georg and St. Cäcilien. All of them stand within the medieval city wall. Although devastated during World War II, all of them have been fully restored.

3. Museums of Cologne

Cologne city has one of the world's best collections of museums and galleries. Cologne boasts 36 museums and more than 100 art galleries. As well as world class museums of art and archaeology, Cologne offers two museums of ecclesiastical art, both housed in architecturally stunning buildings. There is also an ethnographic museum, a chocolate museum, the German Sport Museum and an abundance of Roman remains.

4. Cologne park

Cologne has 2 park areas (Grüngürtel) encircling the city (immediately outside the medieval city limits) and nearly the entire town, respectively, which were set aside as public recreation areas after World War I. The inner Grüngürtel is probably more easy to reach for tourists who only stay a few days. Most popular park in Cologne are Volksgarten, Rheinpark, Hiroshima-Nagasaki- (colloquially known as Aachener-Weiher-) and Stadtgarten parks where thousands of people come together to enjoy the sun, play and barbecue when the weather is fine.

5. The Hohenzollern Bridge

It is a interesting bridge to visit. It is also known as the locking bridge, it is situated over the river Rhine and there are locks placed by couples symbolizing their commitment to each other. Often couples have their names and important dates inscribed on the locks.

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