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5 Main Tourist Attractions In Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has many beautiful tourist attractions one of them is the famous Victoria Falls. The country is blessed with fertile soil, mineral wealth and breathtaking scenery. Two major rivers form the northern and southern borders. Great Zambesi River cut across the north, while the Limpopo River forms the southern border with South Africa.

Zimbabwe offers a challenge to hunt that more authentic experience. The country offers an amazing safari. You can bungee jump from the Victoria Falls bridge if you’re one for adrenaline sports; there is hiking and trekking; how about a splash into whitewater rafting, kayaking, or canoeing (depending on your thrill level). There are parks to visit, whether it’s the Nyanga National Park, ancient ruin sites like Great Zimbabwe Ruins in Masvingo Khami Ruins, Zimbabwe, Dhlo-Dhlo, and Naletale; the Bvumba Mountains, and so on, the list is goes on. Then there are the “balancing rocks” strewn throughout Zimbabwe, another wonder of nature.

Here are main tourist attractions in Zimbabwe:

1. The Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is one of the the main tourist attractions in Africa, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This waterfall is the largest in the world, and the most unusual shape, even has a collection of the most diverse fauna that exist in a waterfall area. Mosi-oa-Tunya is the name commonly used local residents, while Victoria Falls name given by the people of Europe in the future. This waterfall has a width of 1.7 kilometers and an altitude of 108 meters (360 feet), forming a layer of the largest waterfalls in the world.

Many African animals and birds can be seen in the Victoria Falls, and a rich diversity of fish that you can see on the Zambezi river, giving a view of wildlife and sport fishing while enjoying the stunning views.

2. Hwange National Park (largest national park in Zimbabwe)

Hwange National Park is home to one of the highest concentration of game, especially elephants. Covering more than 14,600 square kilometers(5,863 square miles) or 1,460,000 hectares it has more animals and a greater variety of species -107- than any other park in the country, and more than 400 species of birds. It is situated at south west of Zimbabwe between Bulawayo and Victoria Falls.

3. Harare

Harare is the capital city of Zimbabwe, a cosmopolitan and culturally vibrant place. The National Gallery here has one of the finest displays of African art in the continent and the Queen Victoria Museum houses fine anthropological exhibits from the area. The busy Mbane Musika market and bus terminal is one of the greatest open-air markets in Africa.

4. Bulawayo

Bulawayo is the second largest city in Zimbabwe but it has curiously managed to retain a 1960s small-town America ambience. Huge tree-lined boulevards covered in flowers during spring watch over the town’s prime attractions. Places to visit are the National Museum (one of the best and most comprehensive on the continent) and an equally good Railway Museum.

5. The Great Zimbabwe Ruins

The Great Zimbabwe Ruins are an impressive set of stone complexes built between the 13th and 15th century when the ancient Kingdom of Munumatapa existed in all its glory.

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