Wellington is rich with tourist attractions that offer a great view, a very lively cultural life, as well as a series of cafes, restaurants and galleries that will make your visit agenda to it filled with a series of exciting activities.
Wellington is New Zealand's capital city. The traveler agreed, the city in the Pacific region are not to be missed. With the combination of cosmopolitan and relaxed atmosphere, easy to like Wellington. Here are some interesting tourist attractions in Wellington:
1. Wellington Royal Botanic Gardens

Royal Botanic Gardens are widespread, there are some lovely old buildings in it, and they really heartfelt arrange flowers in the garden. In the western part of the Royal Botanic Gardens, there Kelburn Village, the region's most 'European' in Wellington. Its main street is full of cozy cafes, shops of character, antiques dealer, and a unique bakery. This is the best place to linger over coffee or enjoy a meal. Make sure you also explore the Glen (Royal Gardens and Kelburn liaison) to see the old Pohutakawa trees near the church of Saint Michael.
2. Te Papa
Te Papa is national museum of Wellington with a very broad spectrum of exhibits, so difficult are called one by one. On any given day, you can learn about the geological forces that formed the island, or you can learn the tradition of first-language population of New Zealand, exploring thrift stores, and about art. If you are traveling with children, then you should stop by here.

Te Papa is national museum of Wellington with a very broad spectrum of exhibits, so difficult are called one by one. On any given day, you can learn about the geological forces that formed the island, or you can learn the tradition of first-language population of New Zealand, exploring thrift stores, and about art. If you are traveling with children, then you should stop by here.
3. Karori Sanctuary Trust

You will not find it still in Wellington Karori Sanctuary when entering the site. Karori Sanctuary Foundation, in the page Web site, stating that they return New Zealand authentic probably like when there was no man. "Many argue that they have done a good job! Area is closed, there is a major island in the middle; rare plants and animals were sheltered in it. even if you do a tour group there, the place still feels very much at peace with the rural atmosphere is thick, even in the city.
4. Matiu-Somes Island

An island, a former camp inmates and the quarantine zone may not be a choice of attractions, but Matiu-Somes in Wellington Harbour is worth a visit. You can take a ferry from Queen's Wharf, but make sure the crew of the ship, ask them to stop there. The island is the perfect place to stroll and browse, but you should know exactly what time the ferry to come pick up - you definitely do not want to spend the night on this island right?