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Janus Temple, Free Attractions in France

In addition to the Eiffel Tower, the Temple of Janus is also one of the free tourist attractions in France. It is located just across the River to the north Arroux Autun and that's where the ruins of a substantial look.

Perhaps this is a part of Gallic Gods sanctuary described in the teachings of the Roman religion. Janus stood at an impressive 24m-high (79 feet) more precisely. Traditionally, the temple dedicated to Janus Roman god Janus who are good at leading the war, experts maintain gates and doors. Janus is usually depicted with two faces in the opposite direction. These represent the two faces of the sun and moon.

For the ancient Romans, Janus temple symbolizes change and transitions such as the development of the future into the past, one condition to another, from one vision to another, the growth of young people, and from one universe to another.

If you notice, the Temple of Janus shaped like a cube that is in a grassy field and near the river. The brick wall is part of the temple square temple, or shrine in the central area where the gods dwell. Around the temple is a gallery.